Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What IS Chris Matthews' PROBLEM?

Chris Matthews went bananas on a guest yesterday over the way this guest (and just about everyone ELSE in the English-speaking world BESIDES Chris Matthews) pronounces Dick Cheney's last name.

Every single time Matthews mentions Cheney he pronounces it CHEE-KNEE, and then inserts a footnote "*that's the way HE actually pronounces it, 'CHEE-KNEE', you know." Every time.

Yesterday, on Hardball, he savagely attacked Republican Strategist, Todd Harris, for the way he (and 99.9% of the world) pronounced Cheney.

I tried to find a video clip, but I only found a transcript:

HARRIS: I think Kay Bailey Hutchison is a conservative who can actually get things done in Texas. And, you know, Chris, your good friend Dick Cheney is actually in Texas as we speak right now endorsing Kay Bailey Hutchison...


HARRIS: ... because he knows that, you know, when you put aside all the rhetoric and all the bombast, there are some things that need to happen here in Texas to move the state forward.


HARRIS: And Kay Bailey Hutchison can get it done.

But let me talk about that picture.


MATTHEWS: Why do you mispronounce—why do you mis—Steve—I mean, Todd, why do you mispronounce Cheney‘s name, on purpose or what?


HARRIS: You know...


MATTHEWS: His name is Cheney. (**note - here Matthews pronounced it CHEE-KNEE)

HARRIS: Yes, I know that. Well, I know that you pronounce it that way.

MATTHEWS: But why do you call him Cheney? Why do you call him Cheney? (**note - here Matthews pronounced it CHAY-KNEE)

HARRIS: Why do you call him Cheney? (**note - here HARRIS pronounced it CHEE-KNEE)!


MATTHEWS: It‘s his name.


HARRIS: Yes. No. Well, I‘m not sure that...


MATTHEWS: I don‘t understand why you go with the—you‘re going with some sort of other pronunciation.

My conclusion - Chris has gone seriously wrong.

He's lost it. Big time.

Too many elections, too many politicians, he's fuming over how a man's name is pronounced? He's not losing it over the fact that this very man took us into two unnecessary wars, bankrupted our country, allowed for torture, and our military women to be raped, ruined our reputation throughout the globe, shot his friend in the face, etc.,, that's not what Chris is ranting about.

He's upset at the way people are mis-pronouncing the monster's damn name.

I'm telling you, Chris has lost it. For real.

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