Friday, November 20, 2009

Things I Learned Today

1. Today I learned that Oprah is gonna announce tomorrow that she is stopping her show after two more years. Really? TWO MORE YEARS? Let it go, girl…have mercy on us all!

2. Today I learned that a much beloved doggie Mascot for the University of Georgia died. That's not the interesting part - the dog was only 4 years old, and he died of Heart Troubles! THAT'S disturbing - young dogs can contract Heart Disease???

3. Today I learned that Dakota Fanning likes to play evil characters - like Jane in Twilight - "they're more fun" she told Jay Leno….but she's scared of big spiders.

4. Today I learned that 11 Democratic Senators are putting together a "Share the Sacrifice" bill…to help offset the cost of the Afghanistan War, that nobody wants to continue! Democracy, woop.

5. Today I learned that Richard Avedon was a genius. No, really.

6. Today I learned that in London two Twilight Fans got into an actual fight over the last Twilight poster and one of them ended up in the hospital. (this might just be a joke, not reliable is Jimmy Fallon?)

6. Today I learned that even great photographers have to click BEFORE the moment, in order to CAPTURE the moment.

7. Today I learned that one of my buttons is featured in an Etsy Treasury called "Button your lip!" Yippee!

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