Sunday, November 22, 2009

Email Me, Call Me, Follow Me, Friend Me, Tweet Me

Skype Me, Check out my YouTube, Read My Blog, iReport Me, See My Stuff....

Is it just me, or is it getting hard to fit all the ways we can be contacted, emailed, phoned, skyped, followed, friended, read, watched, etc., etc. onto one tiny 2" x 3" business card?

Am I alone, or do you find it a bit embarrassing, too, when you put your signature at the bottom of an email, and it seems to go on longer than the email itself?

As coincidence would have it, while I was writing this, I had CNN on in the background, and this is what came up on the screen.


I mean, look at poor Don Lemon! Doesn't it seem a tad bit overkill? He's drowning in his contact information!

Pretty soon, his photo will just be a teeny tiny postage stamp up in the corner! Sorry, Don, that's all the space we had left!

I've been designing a business card for my new about to be launched photography site, but I just can't figure out how I'm going to fit so many ways to contact me onto one wee business card, along with a graphic!

Here's my latest signature (I know, ridiculous)

Follow me:
Friend me:
Read me:
Watch my music videos:
Watch my other videos:
View my photography:
Buy my stuff:
Buy more stuff:
email me:
call me: 555-555-5555

Okay, obviously that's not my real phone number, but the rest is all real, and I'm sure you get the idea...and this isn't even my complete list!

So, tell me, how long is yours, and does it kinda embarrass you, too??


  1. hahaha I have no idea what you mean, I only have an email...
    ahem. just kidding,
    that's why I just have one website that has links to all my social media on it, because if I tried to put it all on the business card...
    also, er, that's not your real phone number is it?

  2. Alyssa, oops, did I forget to mention...coming soon to the Internets near

    heh heh

    And yeah, sure, that's my real number! Um, did you try dialing it?

  3. This is a good one Tara!!! I do feel kinda embarrassed when I tell people to find me on facebook. I've got several emails and a twitter account. Unfortunately, I have a hard time keeping up with all the usernames and passwords so I don't use them too much. My 10yr old daughter and I was at Target the other day. I suggested she get her friend a stationary set for her bday gift. My daughter hade no idea what a stationary set was for!!!

  4. Thanks, Lori. Glad you liked it. It really is getting out of hand!!

    BTW, did you know that you can store all your passwords in your Internet Browser? That's what I do. I also have a long list where they are all written out. Well, actually, I have them in a Database, which I print out, leaving lots of space on the bottom for new registrations. I don't actually store my passwords in my Database on my computer. I only have them written on my list, which I reprint out with the new additions every few months.

    Regarding your daughter, not knowing what a stationery set was used for - that's very cute, yet also disturbing. I really hope books don't disappear! I love them so very much!

    And also, I realize you were probably there before this news story broke, but did you know that there is a Target Boycott going on right now? They donated $150,000 to a right-wing MN Gubernatorial Candidate, who is viciously opposed to gay marriage, and they are being heavily boycotted throughout the country. If you google Target Boycott you can read all about it. I'm staying away from Target for the moment!!

    Thanks for reading!
