Saturday, December 12, 2009

Things I Wonder About: The Life & Death of "Breaking News"

I just have to ask - for how long should "Breaking News" be Breaking News? Is it just me, or does it seem like the News Channels drag every news story out, flogging it beyond what any sane person would still call "BREAKING"?

I mean how can a story be breaking for 24-36 hours?

My God, do these news programmers think we live in a bubble, and if they didn't make sure to tell us this Breaking News every 2 seconds we would never find out about it?

I don't know, I think it's kinda weird to get up, and go out all day, and come home at night, and the SAME STORY is STILL BREAKING NEWS!

How about a BREAKING NEWS STORY LIMIT placed on how long we have to be bombarded with the same "BREAKING NEWS" story? Like what would be good? Maybe 8 hours? That sounds right. After that, it's curtains on the Breaking, and it just becomes Regular News. OK?

Yeah, I like that - 8 hours. Whaddya think?

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