Thursday, March 18, 2010

Health Care - I'm confused!

Okay, I've got a lot to say about this, so bear with me...

If the Health Care debate bores you, then this is not the post for you...that said:

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty confused (and somewhat PO'd, too).

We've lost Single Payer, and the Public Option, but somehow we should still pass this inferior bill...because why? Because Obama's presidency is at stake? Because we might lose the majority in Congress? Um...I thought it was about "Change We Could Believe In", you know, the will of the people, transparency in Government, all those good things we were promised...

Don't get me wrong - angry as I am, I still can't quite fully give up on Obama....I mean, Michelle planted an Organic Garden, right?...and...and SOME good legislation has happened, right?...Now, if we can just overlook the whole Gay thing, and now, I just heard today, Don't Ask Don't Tell is gonna have to 'be studied by the Pentagon' for another year!

But if I can ignore all the stuff like that, I still have hope that Obama will come through for us (is that a naive thought at this point?) I mean, he's really smart, maybe he has some secret long-term plan that I can't quite anticipate (am I the only one having these thoughts?) I don't know, I just can't give up on him, I like him...and let's face it, he's still WAY better than McCain would have been, right?

But I digress - back to my thoughts on Health "Reform".

I've heard so many conflicting stories, that I don't know who or what to believe.

I do know this, though - the bill is over 2000 pages long, and the Republicans are complaining that they don't want to do their job (which is to read the entire bill - yup, all the way through to the end)...

I also know that we will be taxed immediately, however the benefits of this bill won't kick in until 2014....good going, Democrats! Have you thought at all about the 2010 and 2012 elections, if people won't see the value of this bill until four years from now, when the Republican have managed to capture all three houses of the legislature back???

Okay, but here's my main question. They are saying that this bill will immediately "get coverage for 30 million Americans"...I have a problem with using those words...

It's more like we are making a law, and banking on the fact that people will obey it, and that 30 million already broke people will voluntarily decide to buy their own insurance. This is very different than the language they are using to describe it, when they call it "getting coverage". That terminology makes it sound as if, somehow, the government is gonna pay your insurance for you...and that just ain't the case.

I sent two letters off to various MSNBC hosts today, and they explain pretty much, how I feel.

I know it isn't politically correct to be against this lame bill, but, sorry, that's just the truth of it. I'm torn, I don't want the bill to fail, and the Republicans to win the White House, and the Senate and the House, but, quite honestly, this bill sucks, sorry.

I'm proud of these letters - I think they bring up a possible future that I haven't heard anyone else picturing. I'd love to hear your opinions on this.

Letter #1 (sent to Contessa Brewer, Dylan Ratigan & Ed Schultz of MSNBC - I tried to send it to David Shuster, but his email bounced back):

Hello again ~

I hope somebody actually reads these emails that I send!

The terminology that the media and the Dems (I'm a liberal, btw) are using to describe all the wondrous benefits that this bill will provide really bothers me. It's not like "30 million people will (actually) be insured" with the new bill. That is a gross mis-statement of the facts. Here's the truth, as I see it:

"30 million really poor people, who can't afford a single doctor's visit, are being FORCED to pull money from somewhere else in their lives, to pay monthly insurance premiums to companies that don't really need the money, for services they won't provide, to protect rich people from having to cover emergency room visits by the poor."

We had 60 votes, but couldn't pass a decent we have 59, making it even harder, and this bill does VERY LITTLE for the people who really need it, so why bother to go to all this effort just to appease the insurance and pharmaceutical industry, while pretending to help the poor?

How many less people will actually "die" because they now have health care? Do you really think the poor are somehow going to be miraculously able to afford Health Care tomorrow, when they couldn't afford it today or yesterday? Where is this money expected to come from?

I'll tell you what I think is going to happen - lots of people are still not going to be able to afford Health Care, won't get it, and then, when they do need to go for that Emergency Room visit, just won't, because they can't afford the $2000 fine, so they'll just die at home, instead. Great.

Or do you have some other way that you see it going down? The poor people STILL won't be able to afford Health Insurance. Just because rich congress people pass a bill - that won't increase the income of the poor and make them able, suddenly, to take on another (huge) expense each month, just 'cause it's now a law!

It's a great bill for the Insurance Companies, and our elected officials have sure cleaned up, the pharmaceutical companies are thrilled, the rich people who now won't have to foot the emergency room visits that the poor have "burdened" them with, everyone (who doesn't really need any more money) is thrilled - in fact, everyone accept the people who really need decently-priced health care are thrilled.

Democracy, yeah, right.

One other thing - this was really funny - unfortunately it wasn't meant as a joke. I actually saw Debbie Stabenow on MSNBC the other night touting the fact that although the main benefits of this bill won't kick in until 2014 - there are SEVENTEEN provisions that will take effect immediately! Like this was a GOOD thing!!

2000 page bill - 17 provisions - wow, I'm impressed.

Also, what are the Dems thinking? The taxing will begin immediately, but the benefits won't kick in until 2014? How do they expect to win elections in 2010 & 2012 if the "good stuff" doesn't kick in until a nebulous date in the future, two elections from now???

Why are the Dems so thick, I wonder?

Again, in distress, as usual,

Your faithful fan,

Tara Thralls
Letter #2 (sent to Dylan Ratigan - my hero)

Hello again ~

I've been thinking long and hard about this, and all of a sudden I realized that EVERYONE is banking on these 30 million poor people hopping to, and getting in line, and buying the mandated Health Insurance!!

Lately we've been bombarded with TV ads for Health Insurance, here in California, where many people are self-employed, practice alternative medicines, and aren't on any medication, or in need of any doctor's help right now. Other people are too poor to take care of their health. Both these groups might take issue with the mandate of this bill.

Has anybody considered the possibility that the 30 million "new Health Insurance customers" might reject the whole idea, and just won't buy the Health Insurance even though it's mandated???

What if nobody goes for this? How will it be enforced? Are there agencies in place ready to enforce the law if there is a large rejection by the consumers of this forced mandate (of the poor to fill the coffers of the rich)?

I asked my daughter, (who I am embarrassed to say, has no interest in politics, as she feels it's all pointless) if she planned to buy health insurance when the new bill becomes law and I found out two things:

1) Lots of people might not even KNOW this whole thing is going on. LOTS of people RELIGIOUSLY DON'T WATCH THE NEWS!!! My daughter had no idea that this was about to become law, and she was about to become a criminal.

2) She said, "Huh? I didn't even KNOW about any of this..." She thought for less than a second and then replied, "No, of course not. I don't have money to pay my BILLS, how can I afford Health Care?"

So, I guess she plans to become a criminal if this bill passes.

Well, at least maybe, she'll be inspired to get into politics and march for some cause, like "I reject your mandate to fill the coffers of the rich with my money."

Just sayin'....

As always, your sincere fan,

Tara Thralls
and finally, Letter #3 (sent to Lynn Woolsey - our excellent, and well-respected (D) Rep in the House of Representatives for Marin & Sonoma County, CA)

Hi Lynn,

I am a STAUNCH Liberal, and I support you in all of your decisions. You are wise, & I can count on you to do the right thing in almost every vote, but I have some concerns about the Health Care issue.

First off, it has become a bill that fills the coffers of the rich (Insurance Companies, Pharmaceutical Companies, and yes, even members of Congress), with the money of the poor.

How do the lawmakers expect these 30 million poor people to miraculously come up with the extra money to get Insurance Coverage, when they are already strapped and can't pay their other bills?

Has anyone envisioned a scenario where the currently "uninsured" just don't buy the Government mandated Insurance? How would that be enforced? Will their be offices, and officers? Will the police be needed?

Has anyone considered this possibility, or is it just me?

Congress people just may be too far removed from the lower income mindset to understand how a poor person thinks. They will put their bad habits ahead of their need to buy Health Insurance, guaranteed. The threat of some imagined day when they might need Emergency Room care, (and it be discovered, at that time, that they were uninsured, and that they would then have to pay a fine) is nothing, compared to their immediate need for that next cigarette, drink, fill in the blank. I just can't picture poor people obeying this law, willingly.

You are counting on 30 million poor people voluntarily insuring themselves, because it's a law? How's that War on Drugs going?... if you know what I mean...

Actually, I've thought about it a lot and here's what I've learned...I think lots of people
a) won't even KNOW they've become criminals - my older daughter, who is not glued to MSNBC 24/7 like me, and has absolutely no interest in politics, and NEVER watches the news, told me today that she didn't even KNOW about this law that was going to make her into a criminal some time soon.
b) I think people will gamble that they won't be getting sick, especially here in CA, where so many people live really healthfully, and practice alternative medicine anyway, and
c) if they do get sick, will just NOT GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM at all, because they can't afford the ridiculous $2000 fine - which, no doubt, would make the rich people happy, as they no longer will have to foot the bill for the Emergency Room care, but it will leave the poor, once again, shafted.

This is a terrible situation. I don't want the Republicans to once again seize power, but Lynn, this bill is BAD for the poor, who can't afford a SINGLE Doctor's visit, no less monthly premiums!!

As I Tweeted earlier,
30 mill poor people will be forced 2 pay for svcs they can’t afford 2 cos who don’t need the $ 4 svcs they won’t provide. Whoopee.

I don't know the answer. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. How'd the Dems get into this mess, anyway?

If you have a spare minute (ha ha) please read my blog post about the HCR debate:

Your loyal supporter,

Tara Thralls

So, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts, corrections, anything. This is important stuff, and I'm interested...

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