Monday, May 16, 2011

I am still having a hard time giving up my HOPE for CHANGE

...but all evidence points to the fact that we cannot rely on Obama to uphold any kind of Liberal agenda when it comes to our Foreign Policy and Treatment of Detainees (especially Bradley Manning - I can’t imagine what they would do if they had custody of Julian Assange, even though he is not a citizen).

Obama has proven to be WORSE than Bush when it comes to attacking and maintaining a presence in foreign countries, however the Left is paralyzed, and doesn’t know how to react to Obama’s numerous surprise policy reversals.

I am appalled at so much that he has done, and yet I keep running into Obama-bots, who think I am either making shit up, or am a looney. I post the links to the facts, and get told by these Obama-bots that I am a liar, and they will never read that crap. Open your eyes, people, Obama is not the President you thought you were electing!

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