Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Link between Immigration and Unemployment

I am a member of the Facebook Group, "Rethink Afghanistan". Today, I made a somewhat off-topic comment when one of our members made the following post:

"Pull all our forces out of the mideast and restation them to PROTECT our borders to the north and south. This way we wont lay anyone off and its got to be cheaper to keep them on OUR SOIL. And we wont read about our men and women dieing anymore for a LOST WAR."

3 people liked this.

Here is my response:

Tara Thralls
Tara Thralls
George, I'm not sure that our borders need protection as much as employers need to not hire illegals. If there was no work here for them, illegals would not risk coming over the border. Employers hire illegals because it is cheaper, and there are no regulations they have to follow, because nobody will be reporting them. Unemployment most certainly has a great deal to do with Illegal Immigration. If employers could not find illegals to work for them, for a pittance, they might have to cut their profits a bit, and hire legal workers at a decent salary.

California has both the highest unemployment rates AND the highest amount of illegal workers. There is most definitely a correlation between the two statistics.

Sorry, I know this is a post about Afghanistan, but I felt compelled to mention that I don't think bringing the soldiers who are now serving in Afghanistan back here to patrol the borders would be a real solution for either problem...but we definitely should get our soldiers out of Afghanistan, and what to do with them then? Hmm, maybe, oh, I don't know, give them an education (which is why they probably joined up in the first place)....


  1. Very nice response. Too bad it's so sensible that it'd go over most people's heads. Just as with the drug "war", we so often look only at the elements of the problem that are directly in our face, and not at the root issue.

  2. Thanks, Kali. I so agree with you about not looking at the root issue. If we take the Illegal Immigration one step further, you have to ask, well, why are they unable to support themselves in Mexico. This comes back to the US, also. The Farm Bill, actually. We sell all of our subsidized corn to Mexico for way cheaper than the Mexican corn that the farmers can produce there. So we have put corn farming out of business in don't hear much about that either, though.

  3. We create a lot of vicious cycles that just end up kicking us in the ass, don't we?
